Blog 2014

Blog 2014

 I just wrote my 200th post on and I've had a very laid back Christmas with lots of time to consider what is working on my  blog and what I might like to add , change , or improve.  Here are the results of my mini conference with self:

decorating small living room

Practical posts for  homeowners

 I usually write about  topics that I think  average homeowners are interested in as they go about refreshing  or designing new spaces.  I will still continue  to address these topics  because I can see from my stats that these are my most read posts especially any that address designing smaller spaces. Aren't blog stats a wonderful thing? I also know that my  largest blog readership is in United States.  Hey , where are the Canadians?
Canadian designer Lori Harrison
Lori Harrison Collection
  Canadian focus 

I've decided it's time to seriously ramp up my Canadian content. Stay tuned to meet some great Canadian designers over the next year.   I will include product designers (furniture , textiles , housewares etc. ) and also Canadian interior designers and  visual artists. 

 Canadian interior design bloggers list

 I am also on the search to add more Canadian bloggers to my reading list and encourage you to do the same.  I found a good source on Pinterest (where you find everything) that I am wading through and choosing my favourites.  

paterson woodworking fisher table NL
Paterson Woodworking Fisher Table
Local Design

 Newfoundland Labrador has some very creative people and their products can enhance any living space.  You will meet some of them this year as I encourage  my NL readers to buy local , and other readers to spread their wings our way when purchasing.

Carol Bajen-Gahm Vestiges

  Fine art focus

Anyone who knows me is aware that I am also a visual artist  with an art blog called Painting On.  It is becoming increasingly more difficult to keep both blogs current.  I am seeking solutions to this persoalan and I'm sure there will be cross posting or artist highlights on . They will support my belief that no home is complete without art.  I also want to write more posts about the arrangement and display of art in your home. 

I just took the plunge and joined Google+ .  It's a little overwhelming right now , but I hope it will be a community where I can meet other  interior design bloggers.  

Welcome 2014


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