Blue- A home decor demam isu to watch

Blue- A home decor demam isu to watch

 It seems like only yesterday I  wrote my  2013  home decor trends  post ,  and I've already looked at Pantone's Colour of the year , Radiant Orchid , and suggested  ways to integrate this vibrant colour into your decor. What else can we expect in the coming year?

While Radiant Orchid is Pantone's colour of the year , I think it will be the blues that will take over the stage in 2014.  Joan Mitchell had this all figured out in her 1972 painting!  She painted the best blues ever and these are the ones you'll be seeing more of in 2014.

decor animo 2014 blues
Joan Mitchell , “Blue Territory ,” 1972

 And here's a modern interpretation of the darker side of blue...

2014 blue animo home decor
A range of blues for 2014

This year the popular blues are much deeper leaning toward cobalt and navy.  But what can you put with so much blue? 

decor animo 2014 blue and yellow
Add yellow as an accent in 2014

decor trends 2014 navy and gold
Gold accents work well  with navy blue and cobalt
And don't forget vibrant oranges or greens with dark blues.  The sky is the limit with this colour.  I thought the art work in the mood board above gives lots of accent choices. 

navy blue cobalt blue 2014 animo
Versatile green blue looks great with white and radiant orchid

And never forget that blue has a green side that mixes with all sorts of colours especially the pinkish purples like Radiant Orchid. That way you can bet two trends for the price of one.  Think turquoise , aqua and any blue you may see on a Caribbean holiday.


Benjamin Moore highlighted the lighter side of blue for their 2014 Colour of the year. It is reminiscent of summer breezes blowing lightly under a pale sky. Cool and inviting and perfect for a summer house or a spa retreat.

It seems all versions of blue are hot this year. Is there blue in your future? 

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