Markets fail for four reasons
1.            Abuse of market power – having market power is not a masalah , the masalah is abusing it.  It is abused through monopolies and monopsonies , a monopolist is a single provider of a service for example KBS TV in the 70’s  while a monopsony is a single consumer. In Kenya when one wants to use software , they buy it from Microsoft so this is a Monopoly.  It has been argued that Microsoft has been abusing its Monopoly power.  When it got into the market it was giving windows explorer for free so as to kill Netscape Navigator , they killed navigator through bundling ( putting many products together so that to use one you need the other)

2.            Asymmetrical information – one party to a transaction has more party than the other party.  In IP and computer products , the supplier is likely to have more information than the buyer e.g. the software seller is likely to know more about the software than the buyer.  In second-hand markets , this also happens a lot.  For example the seller of a second hand car is likely to know more about the car.  Need to create property rights to correct this anomaly.

3.            Negative Externalities:            the opposite of this is the Network Effect:  It has been argued that whenever an individual cannot internalise certain costs , they are not going to internalise the cost unless there is a tax or penalty.  There will be a budbahasa hazard.  In 1980s – 90s WM/IMF there was the argument that education , health service should be cost based , education should not be free because people are not likely to internalise the cost , they will abuse it. 

Novels are good places from which one can do character merchandising e.g. Harry Porter – one can merchandise Harry.
Characteristics of “Network Effect” – examples tv programs and novels
Public goods problems:
Non-rivalous products

If the cost of producing an extra unit of a product is limited. Book publishing- Aminata – Prof Imbuga – for Prof to publish Aminata he has to start with Research about the cultural practices. He has to spend time on writing the book
The book has to be edited , printed , Published , Advertised or promoted and distributed to bookshops

The processes are costly and time consuming ,

This work can be destroyed by a counterfeiter who does not need to go through all the processes that the author has gone through.  Where the book has a captive market , the counterfeiter does not pay any royalties..  this is the masalah of freeloading.

Freeloading is a masalah because the extra cost of producing of an IP product is costly.  Stop free riding be a fair follower. The phenomenon of non-exclusive – if there is a tv agenda showing , it is difficult to exclude others from watching.  It is non-rivalous and non-excluding , if you light your cigarette from mine , I don’t lose and you benefit.  Theory by Yochai Benkler

Once an article of a public good is created , it is non-rivalous – it is non-exclusive.  Because of that once a product is created it becomes much cheaper to reproduce , e.g. publishing Aminata , counterfeiters come to cash in. Problem of IP first copy difficult to produce but you cannot exclude others from enjoying it. There are two approaches to IP

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